Beginning A New Writing Piece
Although there are many mediums and genres with set guidelines, each writing piece is a work of art and deserves individual attention. However, where do you begin? With all the different ways to write and what to do, one can become lost in a mountain of data. Here is some friendly advice, most of them if not all are fid with great information, but not each one can be for you. Below are the twelve steps that I follow for my writing pieces. Feel free to use any of it if you choose.
First, gather your thoughts and write them down in no particular order.
Second, think of a protagonist and antagonist and create a bio for each. Where are they from? What is their occupation? What they look like? Even what their relationship with family and friends are like. The more information the better because as you write the characters will tell the story through their experiences.
Third, create a plot.
Forth, do your research. Where does the story take place? When does the story take place? How does the setting relate to the characters and plot? What are the demographics of the area(s)? How can you place segments within the setting that people will relate with? Build a bio for each setting.
Fifth, set up allies. What character(s), if any, is the protagonist or antagonist interact with on a regular basis? For each character build a character bio.
Sixth, determine what event is going to begin the journey of changing the protagonist and start there for the first draft.
Seventh, rewrite the first draft and cut out the unnecessary.
Eighth, is set up into three parts.
Part One
Rewrite the second draft, cut out the unnecessary then determine by reading aloud if the story is true to the characters and the plot. If not go back to the second step and ensure you are staying true to the idea.
Part Two
If it works then read silently to ensure the story unfolds in your mind. If not get rid of the unnecessary. After getting rid of more of the unnecessary and if the story still doesn't unfold in your mind go back to the second step and ensure you are staying true to the idea.
Part Three
Once you make it to this step, do one more syntax and grammar review.
Ninth, bring in an extra set of eyes to provide a constructive criticism review.
Tenth, rewrite.
Eleventh, review your work and provide three edits.
Edit One
Perform a syntax and grammar edit. Get rid of the unnecessary.
Edit Two
Perform a syntax and grammar edit. Get rid of the unnecessary.
Edit Three
Perform a syntax and grammar edit.
Twelfth, submit for publication.