Jul 12, 2018
The story is now moving to the final editing stage
Chapters 20, 21, 22, & 23 Complete
The final editing stage consists of three parts.
Part 1:
Read aloud:
Review the flow of the story and add any additions that will enhance the flow.
Flow from word to word, sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph, and chapter to chapter.
Read from end to beginning:
Spell check and correct word usage.
Apply fixes.
Read from beginning to end:
Clarity, grammar, punctuation, and ease of understanding the message.
Apply fixes.
Repeat a second time.
Read aloud:
Ensure ease of read and clarity of message.
Part 2:
Submit story to editor for outside point of view.
Receive feedback:
Digest, understand, notate, decide, and determine which portions of feedback to implement.
Implement fixes.
Read aloud:
Ensure clarity and ease of read.
Part 3:
Ensure fans engage as intended:
A select small amount of lucky fans will have a chance to read the story and provide their constructive criticism before the final product is released.
The individuals, how they will be determined, and length of time given will commence near the end of Part 2.
Receive fan feedback:
Digest, understand, notate, decide, and determine which portions of feedback to implement.
Implement fixes.
Read from end to beginning:
Final spell check and word use.
Read aloud:
Final grammar, sentence structure, and proper tense is present.
Read aloud:
Final clarity and ease of read.
End of Editing Stage.
Jul 04, 2018
Almost Done
Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, & 19
The pre-final draft of the novella is almost complete. After this will begin a three stage final edit.
Jun 28, 2018
Chapters 12 & 13
The story presents more questions.
The deeper I peer into Zac's life, the deeper it seems I peer into our existence.
Jun 12, 2018
Chapters 10 & 11
I want the reader to be presented with questions that some I will answer, some the reader will have to piece together, and others the reader will have to answer for themselves.
Having moved to a new area and attempting to settle into employment, Distant Fantasy is underway again.
Apr 14, 2018
Chapters 7, 8, & 9 Completed
​I spent much needed time this week and have completed 3 chapters in the Novella. I really enjoy writing this story. Lots more to come next week.
Mar 29, 2018
Chapter 7 is under way for completion
The more I continue to write in this story, the more fulfilled I become.
Mar 14, 2018
A Lifetime
Chapter 6
I completed Chapter 6. When I first started this story when I was 12 years of age, I did not know that it would grow and change as I matured into the man I am today. It is so much deeper and flowing than I could have imagined at 12.
Feb 24, 2018
The Journey Begins
Chapters 4 & 5
Chapters 4 and 5 are now completed.
The protagonist is summoned to their task.
Jan 13, 2018
The pre-final draft begins
Chapters 1, 2, & 3
Currently I am finishing the pre-final draft of the first novella. After this draft an editor will perform the final edits for the story. After which the final draft will be completed.
Stay tuned to this list to follow me as each chapter is completed and for more information about Distant Fantasy.
With the first 3 chapters completed in the 2 weeks into the new year.